Modèle antique : Peres III
1948 |
Pays |
Italie |
Designer(s) | PIATTELLI Fidia |
Type d'appareil |
Fonction |
Loisir |
Envergure | 1010 mm | Longueur | 710 mm | Profil(s) | | Surface alaire | 22.5 dm2 | Masse | -- | Charge alaire | -- | Description | -- |
[Aeromodeller Annual] [Aeromodeller Annual]
Plan(s) | Aeromodeller Annual 1948 p 71 (pdf A4) | Kit(s) | -- |
Note historique | This design from the Tel Aviv Experimental Centre for Aeromodelling and Bow Speed Aerodynamics [Israel], inspired by Ing. Fidia Piatelli, well-known Italian aeromodeller now in charge there, offers the seeker after the unusual a truly interesting prototype. Built mainly of hardwood and hardwood veneer in the original, it should lend itself even more simply to standard balsa construction. Basically, it is a biplane of negative stagger, and over 2 : 1 gap, with small pod and boom extending from the upper wing, and main pod of streamline shape attached to the lower wing. Favourite Italian device of anti- lifting tail section (that is, with conventional lifting section upside down) as used in many of their flying boat and seaplane designs is the main feature of twin finned tail.
Fidia PIATTELLI YAAKOV : né à Rome en 1907, de famille juive, il fut emprisonné pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale. Ingénieur aéronautique il fut aussi un modéliste réputé pour la pureté des lignes de ses modèles. Il est aussi connu pour ses talents artistiques. Après la guerre il émigra en Israël où il poursuivit ses activités. | Remarques | -- | Sources infos | Aeromodeller Annual 1948 p 70-71 |
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